OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Gains Properties

The Properties For: Gains dialog opens when the Component: Gains Project Tree object’s pop-up menu is activated in the AECOsim Energy Simulator Project Tree dialog box and the Properties menu item is selected.

It contains controls used to define the equipment gains data. The gains defined here determine the power consumption and heat gains for the room which is attributed to the equipment gains.

Note: The gains defined here are added to the default room type’s casual gains which are defined in the Room Type Manager dialog box’s Gains pane. Total room gains can then be calculated.
Property heading Properties
Gain type Used to select the type of equipment the gain component is being defined for. The available types are listed below.
  • Electric
  • Gas
  • Hot water
  • Steam
  • Other
New Used to create new gain sub-components, each defined independently using the controls and setting listed below.
  • (New) gain — Whenever the New button is pressed, and new gain sub-component panel is created. The controls provided for it can be set independent of the other gain sub-components in the Properties For: Gains dialog box.
  • Delete icon — Used to delete the gain sub-component.
Name Used to enter a name for the gain sub-component.
Design level calculation method Contains controls used to select the Design level calculation method to be used for calculating the nominal electric equipment level for the room in which the equipment component is located.
  • Equipment level — When selected, the method used will be a straight insertion of the electric equipment level (Watts or BTU’s) for the room.
  • Power per area — When selected, the method used will be a factor of equipment level (Watts) per floor area of the room.
  • Power per person — When selected, the method used will be a factor of equipment level (Watts) per person.
Design level Used to set the total power level for the Equipment level calculation method.
Watts per Zone Floor Area Used to set the total power level in terms of unit square footage for the Power per area calculation method.
Watts per Person

Used to set the total power level in terms of persons for the Power per person calculation method.

Fraction latent Used to set the amount of latent heat given off by the equipment component in the room. Fraction latent is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0. This number is multiplied by the total power consumed by the equipment component to give the amount of latent energy produced. This energy affects the moisture balance within the room the equipment component is located.
Fraction radiant Used to set the amount of long-wave radiant heat being given off by the equipment component in the room. Fraction radiant is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0. This number is multiplied by the total power consumed by the equipment component to give the amount of long wave length radiation gain from the equipment component.
Fraction lost Used to set the amount of lost heat being given off by the equipment component in the room. Fraction lost is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0. This number multiplied by the total power consumed by the equipment component to give the amount of heat which is lost and does not impact the room energy balances. This might correspond to electrical energy converted to mechanical work or heat that is vented to the atmosphere.
Schedule Used to select a schedule describing the equipment operational hours.
End usage category Used to enter a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., "Pumps", "Office Equipment", etc. A new meter for reporting is created for each unique subcategory. Subcategories are also reported in the ABUPS table. If this field is omitted or blank, the equipment component will be assigned to the General end-use subcategory.